Focus Groups - JNF World-Class Global Zionist Village in Be'er Sheva

Focus Groups

Share your knowledge and experiences with us as we build a Global Village in Be’er Sheva for world Jewry.

We value the thoughts and opinions of our JNF Family and Friends. This village is for you. This village is for everyone who values a meaningful connection with the land and people of Israel and wants to share in shaping this amazing vision into a reality.

We are using Focus Groups to hear from all of you, whether or not you are affiliated with JNF, and they will include:

Professional educators – tell us your thoughts about Israel and Zionist adult education and educational experiences you would find valuable on a global campus for world Jewry. Share your expertise as we create cutting edge content and develop the best means to deliver it.

Rabbis – let us know your thoughts about the education offered on the campus, how your synagogues and communities will find value at the campus and effective ways of connecting diverse communities as the campus will be a hub for Jews from all denominations and across all generations.

Teachers – share how you will use the global campus and your thoughts on student needs that can be satisfied at the southern campus for the Alexander Muss High School in Israel.

College students and graduates – help us better understand what you want from internships, the appeal of adult Zionist education, and what you need to living comfortably and grow intellectually in Be’er Sheva for a year.

Young Leaders – join us and let us know how post graduate internships will further your careers, help you change your career focus and enhance your resumes for application to graduate school. What format and content appeals to you for adult Zionist and Israel education?

Alexander Muss Alumni, Roots Israel Alumni, Frontier Israel Alumni, and Sababa Society participants – share your thoughts on staying connected to Israel through JNF programs, gap year programs, high school in Israel and how best to connect your friends and families with your amazing experiences.

JNF Family and Friends – tell us what excites you about a Global Village for world Jewry in Be’er Sheva! What will bring you to our new campus and leave wanting more?